PORT OF PALM BEACH, FL, UNITED STATES, 24th October 2024-– RGF® Environmental Group, Inc., a leader in environmental and air purification technologies, announced that its Photohydroionization® (PHI) oxidation technology has been proven highly effective in controlling Listeria monocytogenes in food processing plants. Listeria, a persistent and dangerous pathogen, is known for its ability to survive in extreme conditions such as freezer environments, food processing plants, and even HVAC systems. RGF’s innovative PHI-Cell® and Lucidium® UV technologies offer an advanced solution for eliminating this threat in post-production environments that is quick and easy to install.
In addition to 20+ years of real-world success, a scientific study published in the Journal of Food Protection confirms the efficacy of PHI technology. The study demonstrated a significant reduction of Listeria monocytogenes on surfaces treated with PHI, validating the technology as a viable solution for food processing facilities. The research, available on PubMed, supports RGF’s claim that its PHI system continuously inactivates Listeria, preventing the formation of biofilm, a protective layer that allows pathogens to thrive and evade traditional chemical sanitizers.
“Food processing facilities are particularly vulnerable to Listeria contamination during the post-production phase, where environmental factors can introduce the pathogen before products are packaged,” said Dr. James Marsden, Executive Director of Science and Technology at RGF®. “Our PHI technology addresses this critical issue by actively controlling the contamination in HVAC systems and production environments, where traditional sanitation methods are often inadequate.”
Proven Technology for a Critical Issue
Listeria can remain a post-production environmental challenge, capable of contaminating food processing equipment and HVAC systems. RGF’s REME® ATS (Air Treatment Systems) with PHI oxidation technology targets this issue by addressing contamination in these hard-to-reach areas. For contamination within HVAC systems, RGF’s Lucidium CUV® solution effectively controls Listeria at its source, safeguarding the air quality in food processing plants.
The USDA strictly regulates Listeria, requiring zero tolerance in food processing environments. RGF’s technologies provide a compliant solution for food processors looking to adhere to USDA’s stringent Listeria guidelines, which are outlined in the agency’s official guidance document USDA Listeria Guidance. By continuously targeting environmental contamination, RGF’s technologies are helping food processing facilities maintain the highest safety standards.
Ideal for Diverse Applications
RGF’s PHI oxidation and Lucidium® UV systems are an ideal solution for food processing facilities across various industries, including frozen foods, dairy processing, and other sensitive production environments. In addition to eliminating Listeria, the technology also addresses other airborne and surface pathogens, offering a comprehensive sanitation solution that improves plant hygiene and product safety.